WWhen Will We ever start to stop Worrying and get down into Rock-bottom Interactions of Transformativation-schemes
An exhibition by NDRAP Development / Jens Ivar Kjetså
WWWWests Wagdi RioTs is where AI, lost languages, rituals and the contemporary living in the NOW/PAST/FUTURE is sentenced to merge, criss/cross and boil into a mash of real. It is a show presenting two performances that will counter attack the other or/and become the base of visual/mental/physical pleasures & pain & something completely 3rd.
OHM Part 1 – (by NDRAP Development & Tarik Hindic) will guide you into the deep, deep, deep. The egg will be the structure and the egg will tell the truths and manifest itself.
KNIPSU opens: 17:35 – ?
OHM – Part 1 (performance starts 18:23), Friday 22. Sept.
a performance by NDRAP Development (NO/DE/DK) & Tarik Hindic (NO/BA)
+ featuring special artworks by:
Edvardo Markosay (MX) / Lucia Leuci (IT) / Tarik Hindic (NO/BA)
FSC-Eternal Sound Experience #1 (NO/DK/DE/MX)
EROTICALITILITIES – (by NDRAP Development) will make make you sweat, will make you sweet, will make you want, will make you 2.0.
KNIPSU opens: 15:01 – ?
EROTICALITILITIES (performance starts 15:32), Sunday 24. Sept
+ featuring special artworks by:
Marian Luft (DE) / Line Larsen (NO) / FSC-Eternal Sound Experience #1 (NO/DK/DE/MX)
“I can can i i everything else,” Bob was caught saying
“Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me too” responded Alice.
“You i everything else,” Bob told Alice after the first exchange.
“Balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me,” she said, echoing her earlier
comment with a small change.
To which Bob replied, “i can i i i everything else.”
Deep into the the grill session of yet another rainy day, looking into the soon to be next meal, a dead, dead, dead piece of meat. Filling the room with the smell of summer, of freedom and of human superiority. We won, we made it, we grilled it and we will taste the success of our work.
Hunted down in the shopping mall after a short and brutal life in constant captivity, degenerated pain and eternal suffering. Ended its days with a bolt through the forehead after consuming food spiked with hormones that could have served a family of 5 for 6 weeks constantly. Then shipped to a cheap country of cheaper labour, cut into pieces by machines and packed in toxic plastic wrap made out of oil pulled out of 50 billion years of sub-sea sleep. Somewhere on the this big line of bad consciousness and pain it will become mine, it will become ours, it will become energy for us to survive and grow into mega machines of fat and degenerated human scum of sorrows.
As all this negativity of contemporary western living, of having the knowledge that everything you do will somewhere along the line will be a bad thing for someone else on this planet, having the knowledge of the butterfly effect and that all things matter. Whatever step you will step you will step on someones toes, but some toes would be better than others to step on. We breathe the post-apocalyptic fear of past generations and the apathy of the impossibility to change the contemporary situations of NOWS. We went to peace marches before they started the wars, we bought the shoes even if we knew they where products of suffering. We live in a present where our interactions together are happening in the cold surfaces of gadgets.
The free inter net is bought and serves you whatever you want before you even know you want it.
BIG DATA self imprisonment, BIG DATA self inflicted death sentence of free will… we are trapped and painted into a corner that is parallel multi dimensional.
One click, into the next, one red pill and one blue pill together. A total wipeout and a clean surface to be reborn of something humanoid 2.0.
The only stability you should feel is wifi connection.
The only stabiltiy you should fear is wifi connection.
The only fear you should feel is wifi connections.
Wi-fi connections is fear and fear is stability.
The exhibition will be on display from 22. September – 8. October
OPEN on Request: knipsumail@gmail.com