Mount Failure
Andrea Csaszni Rygh & Daniel YI Andersson
26.11 – 03.12 2011
Komediebakken 9
Mount Failure
Strategies of the possessed
Mount Failure maps tendencies and displays fragments of ways in which we act, as individuals and collective individuals. It investigates and creates room for reflecting on modes of involvement, non-involvement, passions and convictions, however short-lived they may be. By juxta-positioning different lines of thoughts Mount Failure is an attempt to build a machine able to change flows. It produces a somewhat chaotic space where the urgent discourse of political involvement, strategies and tactics of engagement with our communities and environment is stressed. The materializing and collecting of ideas, the creating of spacial images and reproducible memories draws an outline, becomes a form, a new shifting entity: a mountain or a pile of passion. Something we can stare at, over and over again, in search for a new agent. It is a search by immersion and immersion by repetition, reconsideration, re-enactment and re-activism. This is the summoning of Mohammed’s Mount Safa, only this time the mountain will come (and that will be the – and?).
When do we act? What do we do, to what means and what pushes us to act? What will it take to invigorate any individual or collective individuals?
The indulging in compiling different ways of political involvement in an attempt to immerse it all, devour it all, is of course predetermined to fail. Still we are on the lookout for interfaces, spaces where new agency is possible. Mount Failure is an effort to find wormholes with potentiality of escape from current political and monetary subjectification.
Mount Failure at KNIPSU consists of 5 different parts:
“Mount Failure,” investigation – is a series of ongoing interviews concerning Bergen and it’s failures. “Share Your Indifference”, video – we asked humans to share their indifference. “Losers”, performance – we have closely followed the minimized polar explorer Hjalmar Johansen right into the jaws of neo-liberal capitalism. “Auto Illuminati”, performance, installation – Vigilantes.Taking things in your own hands. The apparatus will reveal itself. “Bed-in For Peace Stockholm 2009”, video – made from 84 hours of live footage from a 7 days, 12 hs a day performance from 2009. Re-activism; nutopia now.
Supported by BEK, Fund for Performing Arts (FFUK), Bergen City and Norwegian Arts Council.
Daniel YI Andersson and Andrea Csaszni Rygh started their collaboration in 2009 with the project ”Bed-in For Peace Stockholm 2009”. ”Bed-in For Peace Stockholm 2009” was created on invitation from The International Theatre Festival Perfect Performance and was performed during 7 days from a room at Clarion Hotel, Stockholm. Daniel and Andrea has since created the works ”Losers” performed at Museum of Modern Art Erarta and ”Auto Illuminati” at Dostoevski Museum, in St. Petersburg, Russia. The most recent work is the performance ”My Girl Under The Cherry Moon” at Oslo Queer Festival 2011.
Andrea Csaszni Rygh works with dance and choreography and got her education at The Royal Swedish Ballet School in Stockholm. She is currently engaged in projects such as “Mount Failure – Strategies Of The Possessed” with Daniel Andersson, ”Heroes, I Love You” with Alexandra Sende, “Passion For Justice” with Linnéa Martinsson and series of projects with The Psychic Warfare. She is one of the founders of the group Diggapony Collaborations with whom she performed “Diggaponys goes West” 2010, “Mästerverk” 2009, “Shut your eyes up” 2009 and “Diggaponys hus”, 2010. The last couple of years she has also been involved in projects with artists/choreographers such as Daniel Andersson, Alexandra Sende, Linnéa Martinsson, Rebecca Chentinell, Amanda Pina, Sidney Leoni, Xavier le Roy, Mårten Spångberg, Carl Johan Rosén and Monica E. Herstad. Andrea also works with music performances under the name Easy Pony.
Daniel YI Andersson got his education at the Royal Swedish Ballet School in Stockholm and graduated in 1989. He has been involved in projects spanning from music videos by Madonna to Rameau-operas in Paris. His recent works includes ”Fysisk Poesi”, ”Lose Lose Situation: Live in Russia!”, ”Jag & Robot”, ”Agamemnon – a tragic lecture”, ”Bumpers”, ”connexmannen”, ”Red” and ”t.lab” (w/Cristina Caprioli, Staffan Eek, Mateusz Herszka, Jukka Korpi). In 2009 Daniel made a series of Yoko Ono performances including, ”Cut Piece For Peace”, ”Cut Piece for WISP” and ”Bed-in For Peace Stockholm 2009” (w/ Andrea Csaszni Rygh). His recent collaborations includes works with artists Andrea Csaszni Rygh, Jules Buchholtz, Staffan Eek, Juan Pedro Fabra Guemberena, Monica E. Herstad, Sanna Söderholm, Reich/Szyber and Anna Vnuk. As a dancer Daniel has worked with a wide range of choreographers and in different contexts, the most recent being Mats Ek at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. He is also currently working with Henrik Vikman in the project ”Olympians – a study in falling short” and Andrea Csaszni Rygh on the project ”Mount Failure – Strategies Of The Possessed”.
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